Half Hull, Buy Boat, Medium

Half Hull, Buy Boat, Medium

Description: Buy Boats were “go between” motorized vessels on the Bay throughout the 1900’s, buying the harvest (oysters, crabs, fish) from the watermen and powering the goods back to the docks. Buy Boats later handled cargo such as produce, carrying these goods to various ports throughout the Bay. Buy Boats were 45’ to 84’ in length, wooden construction, with a mast and boom for handling the cargo. Very few Buy Boats remain on the Bay today. Our half hull Buy Boat is cast polyresin, hand painted and mounted on an attractive mahogany-stained hardwood display board. A brass nameplate is included.

Dimensions: Boat is 8” long. Display board is 10” long X 4” high.

Part Number: HHBB-M



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